DIY Retro Bathing Suit Tutorial

DIY Retro Bathing Suit Tutorial

This step-by-step tutorial will teach you how to create a 1940's inspired one-piece vintage bathing suit using scuba double knit fabric. This swimsuit will be perfect for your next beach trip.
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Project Description

Make a splash with this stylish and alluring, Retro One-Piece Bathing Suit. Inspired by the style and fashion of the 1940’s, this easy tutorial will take you step by step to craft your own Retro One-Piece Bathing Suit with Scuba Double Knit Fabric. This Retro One-Piece Bathing Suit Tutorial is for tailors and seamstresses of any skill level, both beginners and professionals. Create your own Retro One-Piece Bathing Suit, perfect for your next vacation (or staycation) getaway.


Here's what you will need!

Retro Bathing Suit Tutorial

STEPS: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 15 16 17

STEP 1 Starting To Pin The Pattern

Print and assemble the pattern as per the instructions. Next, pin the pattern to the fabric. As pictured, ensure that pattern “G” is on the fold of the fabric. The long straight edge of the pattern should be parallel to the fold of the fabric.

STEP 2 Continuing To Pin The Pattern

Similar to step 1, ensure pattern “A” and pattern “B” are also on the fold of the fabric. The long straight edges of the patterns should be parallel to the fold of the fabric.

STEP 3 Cutting The Fabric

Using scissors, carefully cut the patterns out of the fabric.

STEP 4 Marking Darts

Staring with the fabric cut from pattern “A,” mark the darts (triangles) with chalk as seen on the paper pattern “A.” Fold the fabric so the long sides of the triangle are on top of each other and sew them together.

STEP 5 Sew Lining Back To Front

Sew the lining back (pattern “C”) to the lining front (pattern “A”). After this, pin pattern “B” the crotch piece to the bottom of the lining front (pattern “A”).

STEP 6 Gathering The Top Piece

Next take pattern D and gather (with running stitches) the top of the fabric as seen in the picture. After, attach pattern D to pattern A.

STEP 7 Attach Pattern To Lining

Attach pattern “D” to the lining (pattern “A” and “C”). See the picture for guidance.

STEP 8 Checkpoint

This is a checkpoint! Pat yourself on the back for what you have accomplished so far. Your Retro One-Piece Bathing Suit should look similar to the picture.

STEP 9 Hemming

Next make a rolled hem on the edges of the Retro One-Piece Bathing Suit lining and hem the edges by sewing or with a serger machine. See the picture for guidance.

STEP 10 Cutting The Swimsuit Back

Using pattern “G,” starting at the top, cut the middle of the swimsuit back to the black dot on the paper pattern. See the photo for guidance.

STEP 11 Attach Back To The Side Back

Sew the swimsuit back (pattern “G”) to the side back (pattern H).

STEP 12 Sew The Bodice

Next, sew the bodice front (pattern E) to the side front (pattern F). After, sew the swimsuit back (pattern “GH”) to the swimsuit front (pattern “EF”).

STEP 13 Checkpoint

Take a break and give yourself a treat for what you have accomplished so far. Your Retro One-Piece Bathing Suit should look similar to what is in the picture.

STEP 14 Add Straps

Fold the straps in half and sew them together. Next turn the Retro One-Piece Bathing Suit inside out and sew the straps onto the garment.

STEP 15 Sew Lining To Bodice

Sew the inner lining to the outer bodice.

STEP 16 Add Zipper

Add a 7-inch zipper to the back of the Retro One-Piece Bathing Suit.

STEP 17 Enjoy

Enjoy your new Retro One-Piece Bathing Suit on your next vacation or staycation!

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